
succulent garden

I finally got around to planting these little suckers into proper pots...they are so much happier in a bunch than they were in their constricting home depot containers. I was getting worried that I was planting them too close together and wouldn't have enough room to grow without pushing each other out of the way. After doing some research, it turns out that succulents love to crowd together and actually do better when they have companions to grow next to. I might have to find some more to stick into those empty spots....especially in this freezing san francisco winter. 


vintage design // the sartorialist

...enjoying the clever pairing of these Sartorialist photographs and vintage design by Diana from Miss Moss

happy town menagerie!

I have been pretty absent from posting on the blog recently due to being swamped with work and all else but adding to the excitement that it is finally Friday is the news of this art opening at the Curiosity Shoppe, featuring these adorable hand turned and hand painted dolls by artist Lorena Siminovich! I would love a collection of these funny guys to cheer me up any day of the week. 
Happy Friday!

If you're in the area....
where: Curiosity Shoppe (855 Valencia between 19th & 20th)
when: Opening: Novermber 12th, 6- 9 pm
             November 12th- December 12, 2010.

via smarts and crafts


the peace of wild things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things 
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

— Wendell Berry

365 polaroids // 365 quotes

beautiful pairings by Parker Fitzgerald of quiet polaroid images and quotes.  These are a  few of the 365 polaroids//365 quotes project, which you can see more of  here


a love letter for you

i've really been loving the love letters project led by Steven Powers in collaboration with the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. As part of the project there is also a documentary film, two books documenting the project and a sign school that trains people from the local community on sign making to provide new hand-painted signage for local businesses. 
you can see more images and read more about the project here .


letterpressed dice

Over a thousand dice and a Vandercook press were used  to make these lovely prints by Stukenborg Studio & Press. 
You can visit his etsy page here.